Meisam Tabatabaei is an Associate Professor of Environmental Biotechnology (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia) and is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Biofuel Research Journal (BRJ) in Canada. Over the last decade, Meisam has been working closely with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to promote waste-oriented biofuels in the developing world. Since 2016, he has been the lead collaborator of the Lancet Commission on Public Health and Climate Change (UCL, UK). He has published over 250 publications, including original research papers and reviews in journals such as The Lancet (Impact Factor: 60.392), Progress in Energy and Combustion Sciences (Impact Factor: 28.940), Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Impact Factor: 12.110), etc. (Citations: >11400, h-index: 53, i10 index: 184; March 2021, Google Scholar). The Cumulative Impact Factor of Meisam's publications stands at over 1000. He is currently also a Visiting Professor at the Henan Agricultural University (China). Dr. Tabatabaei has been listed on the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers List (Top 1% scientists in the world) in Engineering Category since 2017. He is the Editor of the Book Volumes "Biogas: Fundamentals, Process, and Operation", "Biodiesel: from Production to Combustion", and "Fungi in Fuel Biotechnology" which have been published by Springer Nature and is on the Editorial/Advisory Board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Springer), Data In Brief (Elsevier), and Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis). Meisam is the Associate Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier; Impact Factor: 7.246), Cleaner Environmental Systems (Elsevier), and Resources, Environment and Sustainability (Elsevier). Dr. Tabatabaei is also the Guest Editor of Special Issues in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier; Impact Factor: 12.110). Meisam is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier's Book Series on Biomass and Biofuels.